Monday, October 22, 2007

Martin Lester: Rights to Privacy

Taking a picture from the street through someone’s window seems like it shouldn’t be legal. I can only think of a few instances where doing so might have a purpose, but it otherwise seems like it would be voyeurism.

Creepy like Rear WindowMy next door neighbors have a huge window that looks into their dining room area. Whenever I walk past their house and they’re all eating, there’s this uncomfortable exchange of glances. It feels invasive just to look. Imagine how much more awkward and invasive it would be if I were to go up to the window with a camera and take a couple of pictures. Since they’re okay with sitting in front of an open window, I suppose you could argue that they’re inviting anyone to look in. However, things people do in their house are often far more personal than what they do in public; they’re more uninhibited. People just don’t expect strangers to take pictures of them while in the privacy of their homes, like they might in a public area.

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